These campaigns take players through different situations and settings - from fighting through a city filled with zombies to escaping a sugar mill.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world infested with zombies, Left 4 Dead 2 puts players in the shoes of a group of survivors who have to fight their way through a series of campaigns. Despite these developments, Left 4 Dead 2 still holds a place in the hearts of gamers who have stopped filling up computer shops but are still all over the game’s online servers, which still manage to attract an average of 10,000 players daily. Internet cafes have inevitably gone out of style, connecting with other players is no longer novel, and the standard for graphics have improved by leaps and bounds. The sequel to the zombie shooter game that changed gaming was released that year, and now, 10 years and countless technological advancements later, people are still crazy over it. In the aughts, this meant only one thing: Left 4 Dead 2.